ART Headamp 6

ART Headamp 6 Pro pojačalo za slušalice




ART Headamp 6 je šestero-kanalno stereo pojačalo za slušalice koje sadržava šest-kanalnu aux ulaznu sekciju koja se može koristiti za pružanje popularne "More Me" funkcije na svakoj mikseti za slušalice. Svaki izlazni kanal također sadržava dvostruku funkciju BALANCE kontrole koja izvršava paniranje između lijeve i desne strane glavnog izlaznog busa.

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Web cijena:

237,66 € 1.790,67 kn

MPC: 237,66 €

Cijena za kartice: 250,17 €
već od 20,85 € na 12 rata*
već od 41,69 € na 6 rata*

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099 233 4726

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Visa Premium jednokratno
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2 - 12 rata samo u poslovnici

Gotovina / Virman

*Izražene cijene su podložne promjenama.

Fiksni tečaj konverzije iznosi 7,53450 kuna za 1 euro

6 Ch. Pro Headphone Amp

The ART HeadAmp6PRO is a six-channel stereo headphone amplifier that includes a six-channel auxiliary input section that can be used to provide the popular "More-Me" function on each headphone mix. Each output channel also features a dual function BALANCE control which will pan between LEFT & RIGHT sides of the main signal bus, or vary the MIX between the main signal bus and the AUXILIARY input for that respective channel.

Bass and treble controls are included on each output channel for fine-tuning the tone. Outputs include both front and rear panel stereo 1/4-inch TRS jacks for ease of installation and quick patching capability. Two MONO select buttons on each channel select between four operating modes; 1) Stereo, 2) Mono Left, 3) Mono Right, 4) Mono Both (Left & Right) for versatile monitoring solutions.

The main outputs for each channel of the headphone amplifier are rear mounted stereo TRS jacks and are wired in parallel with the corresponding output jacks on the front panel. Front panel, rear panel, or both front and rear panel outputs can be used simultaneously to drive headphones or be used as feeds to additional headphone amplifiers in a distributed audio network.

Input options include XLR and 1/4-inch TRS balanced inputs with matching "Thru" jacks for bridging multiple HeadAmp 6 Pro units. An additional front panel stereo 1/4-inch TRS jack for quick patch override of the rear panel inputs is included for quick insertion of any stereo source. Eight-segment LED level indicators provide visual feedback of the signal level on all channels as well as the main signal bus.

  • Six Channels with Separate Bass & Treble Controls
  • Front & Rear Panel Output Jacks
  • XLR & 1/4-inch TRS Balanced Inputs
  • Operates in Stereo, Mono (Source Left), Mono (Source Right) or Summed Mono (Source Left & Right)
  • Auxiliary Front Mounted Separate Source Input
  • 8-Sement LED Level Indicators on all Channels & Bus
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