Allen&Heath Xone:DB4

Allen&Heath Xone:DB4




Allen&Heath Xone:DB4 je najbolji mixer koji je dosad Allen&Heath proizveo za DJ-eve! Svaki najmanji dio ove miksete je detaljno istražen i doveden do savršenosti i sve to sa ciljem da se DJ-ima pruži dodatna kreativnost. Allen&Heath dizajnerski tim je učinio nevjerojatan posao da bi omogučio da ovaj mikser bude upakovan u jedno inovativno i "uzbuđujuće" kučište.

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Web cijena:

1 725,10 € 12.997,77 kn

MPC: 1 725,10 €

Cijena za kartice: 1 815,90 €
već od 151,32 € na 12 rata*
već od 302,65 € na 6 rata*

Trebate savjet?
099 233 4726

Načini plaćanja (online):

Visa Premium jednokratno
2 - 6 rata bez kamata

Diners jednokratno

2 - 12 rata bez kamata

MasterCard jednokratno
2 - 6 rata bez kamata (ZABA)

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2 - 6 rata bez kamata (ZABA)

Maestro jednokratno
2 - 12 rata samo u poslovnici

Gotovina / Virman

*Izražene cijene su podložne promjenama.

Fiksni tečaj konverzije iznosi 7,53450 kuna za 1 euro


The Xone:DB4 is a truly ground-breaking mixer and by far the most advanced product that we have designed. Every feature has been meticulously researched with a view to offering DJs ultimate creativity.

Based on the iLive pro-touring FX system, we developed FX algorithms with BPM conscious parameters and tight spectral control, customised to perfectly fit the DJ environment. As the loops and FX are automatically synchronised to the tempo of the track, it is very easy to build some amazing grooves and soundscapes without problems of latency, low fidelity and the general hassle often associated with using software and laptops.

The flexible input matrix allows any audio source to be selected on any or all of the channels. Different processing can be applied to the same track on separate channels and you can fade between them, or a phrase sampled in the looper of one channel can be added to the mix later in the track. Our digital design team has done an incredible job to ensure that this is one of the most innovative and exciting DJ mix tools to date.

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